Mr Navid
Merswood is one of the best brands of thermowood production as a facade wood for the exterior of buildings.
About Us
Merswood (Mers is the name of the pine tree in the north of Iran) is a well-known brand in the thermo-manufacturing industry using the latest European standards (Germany and Finland), that is ready to serve you with ten years of experience. This brand belongs to the manufacturing factory of the arman choobineh zagros (Private Joint Stock) company.
The procedure of thermo-processing in Merswood carries out in a uniform temperature process that ensures uniform color and quality during timber post-processing and enhances the product quality.
Merswood is one of the best Thermo manufacturers that offers an acceptable variety of products, including the types of pine, walnut and light ash, etc.
Using the original and high-quality raw lumbers, Merswood makes it possible to use in all indoor and outdoor environments and different climatic conditions. It is also worth noting that the unique and special processing of Merswood has a scientific basis.
Using the technology of Germany and Finland and the quality control of the finished products, Merswood insures and guarantees all its products to create a pleasant memory for the customers.
Merswood is capable of producing Thermowood in various and custom- made dimensions for all applications. We are proud to offer a range of Thermo-wood up to 35 cm wide and 15 cm thick.
Merswood offers Thermo-wood in a variety of colors and models, incorporating a wide range of tastes and making it easier for customers to choose.
Morse Choob is a national brand for those who are interested in using products with international quality but Iranian production … Experts, each of whom has a different opinion about Morse Choob products.
Merswood is one of the best brands of thermowood production as a facade wood for the exterior of buildings.
The quality of products is excellent and very durable. Product warranty was one of the company's advantages
High durability against the sun's UV rays, decay and weather conditions are the advantages of Morse wood thermowoods.
The best type of tree species to use in the exterior of the building is pine thermowood (softwoods, coniferous trees)